7 Steps to becoming the genius that you are

  In a traditional environment of intelligence testing, o.1% of the population falls into the category of genius. However, that doesn’t mean that everyone else doesn’t have unique qualities that are absolute genius i.e., incredibly outstanding and impressive in some regard. We each possess talents, insights, skills, and emotions that take us into a place

Is stress a matter of perspective?

This is an essential question because it gets to the heart of many arguments about why it is that people behave the way they do. Stress is not an excuse to behave badly but when we feel stressed, we need to recognize it and take healthy steps to alleviate it. The answer is basically yes,

A new day, a new year, a new opportunity?

Are you going to stay stuck in 2015 like you felt in 2014 and maybe the year before that? Are you going to make a long list of resolutions and get tight about making them all come true for yourself for a few weeks and then allow them to fade in disappointment? This life is

Inner strength and your childhood

One of the things I make note of is how people often get sad over the Christmas holidays, especially as it relates to the sweetness of what is associated with them. In my work, I consistently invite people to take a look back in their life, not to regress and get stuck there but to
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  Everyone is talking about what you can do to be happy this holiday and have a Merry Christmas. Seriously? What if you just simply want to be argumentative because you’re sick of those people in your life who you happen to live near, are related to, and have to work beside? BE MISERABLE —

Want some happiness right now?

Of course you do. The solution is a closely guarded secret…….but it is also a gift for you from Dr Deb Carlin. Click here to uncover the secret to it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuWerGFhBx0 I want the very best version of you to emerge so that you can have your best life yet!  
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  We all talk about stress all year long. When was the last time you used the word stress in a sentence? Are you finding yourself using it more as we come upon the December holidays? Yes. Most of us do and it is so counterproductive the way in which we do this. We’ve all lived

11 Ways to be happier this December

Christmas happens in 11 days. Hannukah begins tomorrow at sunset. No matter which holiday you celebrate, there are simple steps that you can take today to ensure that you close out this year happier and open the new year with a joyful perspective. The Dalai Lama teaches us that happiness ought to be our primary
Of course. And we share them with those we are close to….or who become members of our inner circle.   Each one of us has our strategies, our thoughts, our attitudes and behaviors, that propel us into productive action that gets us on the track to meeting goals that we set. It’s essential. There are
I just love what our friends over at the Huffington Post have done this morning to get things rolling for Thursday. The idea is to have a relaxing and joy filled holiday. However, there is the issues that we all face for the holidays and they include: a. time management and how to get your