Are you held captive?

Do you believe that you are destined to be happy, depressed, have a stroke or cancer, be overweight, or drink alcohol because your parents did or your grandparents or aunts and uncles did? When science introduced the ideas about heredity and genetics, they did us some good and also cost us a bit in our
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Eager for happiness?

Of course you are–there is not a person alive who doesn’t covet the happiness of others when they feel it somehow has escaped them. Daily, we are in pursuit of that feeling of happiness in our mind, body. and spirit. Some people have been lamenting for months that they cannot possibly be happy this winter

Winter of Well-Being & Happiness #7

Next weekend is the last weekend before we meet the spring season on our calendars. Tomorrow is a big day if you live in a region where the clocks “spring forward” to give us Daylight Savings Time. We all seem happy to celebrate the additional hour of illumination. The anticipation grows. As we get ready


Have you ever felt it? Do you recollect the image of yourself as a complete idiot? Do you wonder where you fit in this life? I hope your answer, the one deep inside of your heart, mind, and soul is affirmative. Why? Because there is no one on the planet who has not had this

Anxiety + Panic = Opportunity

Most often, people who have the experiences of feeling so out of sorts that it is identified as panic and/or anxiety, wish they would die rather than have to continue having the experience. There is a strong desire to escape from it–at almost any cost. This line of thinking and the approach generally lead to

Winter of Happiness & Well-Being #6

Tell me you’re not secretly thrilled that I didn’t let you think that winter was over in February. Most of the country is under another winter advisory, the Midwest is poised for an additional storm bringing snow, snow, snow.  Get ready to use your hand gestures but make sure it is this one and not

What your brain has to do with it

We are truly all about our head and what it is that is taking place inside of it. Make note that we keep it encased in a hard shell to protect it from exposure and the elements of life that would otherwise damage this tender organ. Why then are we we so reckless with it?

The internal dialogue conflict resolution

The voice in your head is not singular, there are several and it is not a sign that you have a multiple personality disorder. It is an indication of your intellectual abilities to carry on a conversation. The idea of internal operations is interesting and the theme behind your words is indicative of what you
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Winter of Happiness & Well-Being #5

Temperatures at this time of year will often fool us, lure us into thinking that perhaps the winter season is over and warmth and sunshine are here to replace milky skies, ice, and snow. Not true. The season is on the calendar for another 27 days and just just like with all events, the world

Stepping into a new space…in your head

The most beautiful and amazing element of this life is that, in any given nanosecond, you can shift gears and change anything. It’s that simple. Your perspective on any given topic will change if you command your mind to do so. So how come we are not all exactly where it is that we want