Do you believe this? I used to think this was sort of a ridiculous idea–but not for very long. And I mostly thought that during times when I was troubled, like during my adolescence and some of the time during my 20s. That was tough times. I was rebellious and not allowing the wisdom that

Taking flight to learn

This spring has been exactly that — a bouncing of sorts to places around the country where I am eager to serve and to learn. In order for it all to happen, I have needed to take flight, literally and figuratively. This most recent flight was perhaps the highlight as it involved flying parallel to

How we interpret THE news

Every day and all day long people get news that they would prefer not to. Its about a medical condition, a relationship, a bank account, a bill, a job, a deal of some some sort. We say things like — I don’t need this right now. Right. You need something else, you want something else.

A week that is sacred

Regardless of your religious affiliation, this is a week that is designated on most calendars as Holy. For Christians and those who are Jewish, it is a period of reflection and prayer alongside some fasting. My pitch is not about religion here but about the Faith Factor and opportunity. Imagine gifting your self with time

Internal dialogue

What is it that you are saying when you talk to your self? Do you think that you don’t? You do. In fact, you talk to your own self more than to anyone else–and that’s a good thing. However, depending upon what it is that you’re saying, you are either propelling yourself into a great
Let it go, let it all go. It feels so good. I had a feeling of clutteredness — yes, I like to coin terms. Every day as I sat in my office, I felt like I wanted to somehow reorganize or something to make the space feel more open. I am extremely organized and not
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Life Coach — Got one? Are you one?

Life coach is a term that Tony Robbins was backed into a corner to create many long years ago when the state of California thought he was competing with the licensed psychologists — his effectiveness without formal education and credentials was unheard of at the time. How do I know this? I heard it straight

Looking for a miracle?

Every day, all around the planet, people hear news. Some of it brings a smile as it fills them with joy and some of it scares them to their core and leaves a pit in their gut. We’ve all experienced these reactions, it is a common thread among us. The journey of this life experience
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Winter of Happiness & Well-Being #8

Really? Another post about winter? I thought this series was scheduled to run every Saturday–it is now Sunday! What’s up? 68 degrees and sunny on Saturday is what was up. I spent time reclining in the sun, enjoying my yard and all the little things popping their heads up out of the ground–jonquils, hyacinth, tulips. 
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Why Tap? To Save Your Life!

  I’ve come across this approach in a very serendipitous manner. I have found it to be a blessing. This is something I am eager to share because I am seeing results! Nick Ortner and his sister, Jessica, are genuinely giving and loving people–smart too and so filled with compassion. The article below comes straight