How Erik Erikson can be of help to you
Friday, 26 September 2014
by drdeb
He was a world famous psychologist. He was an expert in human development and he spent a great deal of time watching children, loving them, being curious about how they developed their skills. He put both his mind and his heart into developing his theories about the life cycle, he saw it unfold in stages.
The story is a wrongful perspective…
Monday, 25 August 2014
by drdeb
It is sad to see life come to an end, regardless of the circumstances. Life is precious. We who are here in this life value the breaths we are taking. Our hearts break a bit when someone dies, when it is someone close to us we feel like there is no possibility for future happiness.
When anger prevails we create–The Ferguson Ordeal
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
by drdeb
There was a movie about youth who wanted to fight, they were called rebels without a cause. There are times in the lifespan when we search for our identity and try on all sorts of tactics in an effort to understand who we are in the face of others. There are elements of this that
When we lose a beloved talent like Robin Williams
Sunday, 17 August 2014
by drdeb
News travels fast and the words and the images shared enter into our minds and penetrate our hearts. To hear that our talented and treasured Robin Williams had died by his own hand took our collective breath and prompted a gasp, followed by shock and many tears. And this is as it should be, for
Saturday, 19 July 2014
by drdeb
And so my mother was a raised as a Catholic, a very reasonable one. Not extreme, never harsh, and did not enroll me in the Catholic school system. She had another set of ideas about what would be helpful in my educational training. Thank you, mom. Public and private schools have been my path, fabulous
- Published in Advice, Attitude, Be Your Best Self, Build the Strength Within, faith, Family Traditions, Finding your Inner Peace, Partners In Excellence
Tagged under:
manage stress
Life tells us what to do in every moment
Monday, 07 July 2014
by drdeb
Do you believe this? I used to think this was sort of a ridiculous idea–but not for very long. And I mostly thought that during times when I was troubled, like during my adolescence and some of the time during my 20s. That was tough times. I was rebellious and not allowing the wisdom that
Taking flight to learn
Sunday, 22 June 2014
by drdeb
This spring has been exactly that — a bouncing of sorts to places around the country where I am eager to serve and to learn. In order for it all to happen, I have needed to take flight, literally and figuratively. This most recent flight was perhaps the highlight as it involved flying parallel to
How we interpret THE news
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
by drdeb
Every day and all day long people get news that they would prefer not to. Its about a medical condition, a relationship, a bank account, a bill, a job, a deal of some some sort. We say things like — I don’t need this right now. Right. You need something else, you want something else.
Internal dialogue
Thursday, 10 April 2014
by drdeb
What is it that you are saying when you talk to your self? Do you think that you don’t? You do. In fact, you talk to your own self more than to anyone else–and that’s a good thing. However, depending upon what it is that you’re saying, you are either propelling yourself into a great
Life Coach — Got one? Are you one?
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
by drdeb
Life coach is a term that Tony Robbins was backed into a corner to create many long years ago when the state of California thought he was competing with the licensed psychologists — his effectiveness without formal education and credentials was unheard of at the time. How do I know this? I heard it straight
- Published in Advice, Be Your Best Self, Being smart, Build the Strength Within, Partners In Excellence