How Erik Erikson can be of help to you
Friday, 26 September 2014
by drdeb
He was a world famous psychologist. He was an expert in human development and he spent a great deal of time watching children, loving them, being curious about how they developed their skills. He put both his mind and his heart into developing his theories about the life cycle, he saw it unfold in stages.
When the dentist drills down–and finds something else!
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
by drdeb
There are certain career choices that are known to be highly stressful for the professional. Two such careers are that of dentists and psychiatrists. We can each envision why. However, I was mistaken about why one particular dentist chose to leave the profession and now wants to speak to her former colleagues about they deep
Why Leonardo Da Vinci matters
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
by drdeb
Did you know that his life spanned from 1452 – 1519? Did you know that his full legal name is Leonardo Di Ser Piero Da Vinci? I find it impressive and gorgeous to write out and then to pronounce–add a flare of Italian accent to it and I promise that you will feel a surge
- Published in accomplishments, Attitude, Balancing life, Be the best YOU, Being smart, brain power, Build the Strength Within, Channel Strength, Communication, Embracing New Opportunities, Finding your Inner Peace, Fulfillment, Human Behavior, Improving your Lifestyle, love yourself, Partners In Excellence, Positive Perspectives, success, Well-being
Where we chose to be
Friday, 05 September 2014
by drdeb
I love how easy it is to be any place on the planet within about a day or two… just decide where it is you want to be and don’t allow any barriers. You can go, there are an endless number of ways to make it happen. I am happy to know this as a
- Published in Attitude, Be the best YOU, Being Present, Being smart, Build the Strength Within, Finding Beauty, Finding your Inner Peace, Gratitude, happiness, Human Behavior, Love and Goodness, love yourself, Mindfulness, Partners In Excellence, peace, Personal Connections, Positive Perspectives, Relationships, Strengthening Bonds, Stress, Well-being
A beautiful airport experience–really?
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
by drdeb
Yes. Flights get me where it is that I need to be–sometimes at a moment’s notice given who my clients are and the various types of work that I do. And yes, there have been times in my life when I felt a certain sort of dread in anticipation of flying–but I had a very
- Published in Attitude, Be Your Best Self, Being Present, Build the Strength Within, Communication, Connections, Embracing New Opportunities, Finding your Inner Peace, happiness, Human Behavior, Improving your Lifestyle, Lifting Your Spirits, Partners In Excellence, peace, Personal Connections, Positive Perspectives, Reflections, Well-being
When we lose a beloved talent like Robin Williams
Sunday, 17 August 2014
by drdeb
News travels fast and the words and the images shared enter into our minds and penetrate our hearts. To hear that our talented and treasured Robin Williams had died by his own hand took our collective breath and prompted a gasp, followed by shock and many tears. And this is as it should be, for
Life tells us what to do in every moment
Monday, 07 July 2014
by drdeb
Do you believe this? I used to think this was sort of a ridiculous idea–but not for very long. And I mostly thought that during times when I was troubled, like during my adolescence and some of the time during my 20s. That was tough times. I was rebellious and not allowing the wisdom that
A week that is sacred
Monday, 14 April 2014
by drdeb
Regardless of your religious affiliation, this is a week that is designated on most calendars as Holy. For Christians and those who are Jewish, it is a period of reflection and prayer alongside some fasting. My pitch is not about religion here but about the Faith Factor and opportunity. Imagine gifting your self with time
Internal dialogue
Thursday, 10 April 2014
by drdeb
What is it that you are saying when you talk to your self? Do you think that you don’t? You do. In fact, you talk to your own self more than to anyone else–and that’s a good thing. However, depending upon what it is that you’re saying, you are either propelling yourself into a great
Spring Cleaning — of all sorts, i.e., internal and external
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
by drdeb
Let it go, let it all go. It feels so good. I had a feeling of clutteredness — yes, I like to coin terms. Every day as I sat in my office, I felt like I wanted to somehow reorganize or something to make the space feel more open. I am extremely organized and not