Most often, people who have the experiences of feeling so out of sorts that it is identified as panic and/or anxiety, wish they would die rather than have to continue having the experience. There is a strong desire to escape from it–at almost any cost.
This line of thinking and the approach generally lead to a pharmaceutical route and, some of the time, a course of therapy that is a talking treatment where the topic is the root issues or the physical sensations of the experience. Although this is necessary as a means of clarity for both the therapist and the recipient, if it is prolonged and ongoing, it is actually counterproductive. The same is true of the pharmaceutical treatment. Medications can be highly effective, especially when they are used to quell a situation and begin to get hold of the patient’s mind–nothing can be successful until that is possible. This takes a bit of teamwork and absolute courage.
Why the opportunity?
Inside each person, there is a barometer of comfort. When something is off kilter, that internal index is alerted and there is an alarm that is triggered in an effort to attend to the threat and return to the comfort zone. Anxiety and panic are the alarms, not the disease. Herein lies the opportunity.
If you re-frame the idea of these challenged states as both emotional and intellectual, it becomes evident that they are situational and triggered by events–internal and external. We cannot control the external but we can influence it. We can learn to control the internal. Mind control is ours to embrace and practice daily and all across the day, it is our only hope for well-being. If we don’t have control over our mind, we are considered to be out of our mind and quite literally–are!
Take a moment now and sit quietly as you read these words. Allow yourself to believe they are spot on accurate. Allow yourself to envision the best version of who you already are in addition to a more calm and centered version, an enhanced edition.
You know that you have a beautiful internal spirit that speaks out to your entire being, it is your conscious, your conscience, your core. If you allow it, you will hear the positive things that you know about yourself, not a negative chatter that need to become silent remnants.
Listen to the beat of your heart, you can influence the pace by being calm and focused on how much gratitude you have for the ability to do this right now.
Breathe easily, naturally, calmly. Trust that with each breath, the next one will come to you. Say thank you to your higher power for the fact that you have your life.
This exercise is science based, it is about the mind body connection, it is about the neural networks inside of you and how they are strengthened by every thought, emotion, and behavior. This is important to know and important to remember as you allow your internal negative voice to escalate and lead you into anxiety or panic. Before it even begins, practice this technique and condition your self to relax.
For additional guidance,
Watch video #2: Communication Skills With Your Self