Spring season has opened and you’re thinking that you want to take a walk, go for a run, wear a bathing suit and look buff. You want to wear clothing that is comfortable, not layers that hide your body that represents you have let yourself go.
Sound familiar on some level? On many levels?
When you look at yourself in the mirror or in photos or when you look down at some portion of your anatomy, do you feel awkward or are you proud of the way you’ve taken care of yourself?
I want each one of us to feel pleased, proud, and grateful for the manner in which we have honored this rental zone we know as our body. Imagine the spring in your every step when your musculature, cardio system, neurology, and attitude are aligned healthfully!
Imagine now that you have done the same for your brain and the attitudes you have, the mental power you possess, the way you’ve honed your thinking capabilities and you feel intellectually magnificent.
Do this again for your relationship with money and your ability to feel in harmony with your financial realities–never sweating, just simply in the position you want to be in. Comfortable.
How do you arrive?
Strength Training that is a total wellbeing approach will get you there. It evolves from Build the Strength Within. It is a process of giving yourself the gift of focus, self study, and honest behavioral engagement. This is THE program for your life, for your best life yet.
When I wrote Build the Strength Within, I was sharing and educating and also releasing. I had evolved from a position of extreme grief where I was uncertain about wanting to take the next breath…to breathing in deeply and being completely appreciative for the ability to do so. I had loved and felt the ultimate of loss. I felt alone and comforted my soul through my belly and inserting all the yummy foods my mouth and brain craved. I did what I needed to in order to survive. I knew I was paying a heavy toll for quiet, sad indulgence. My awakening however brought more into my life than I could have ever imagined.
I have been talking to people about my book and realizing with every encounter that people, all of us, are eager to believe and invest in what is good. I have felt the power of people investing in my work and believing that it will help them and realizing that it is powerful because they are power filled. Amazing.
Amazing to look into the eyes of my audience, my clients, my patients, and see their joy as their inner strength blossoms–it is just as groovy as when the crocus blooms pop up their flowery heads from the snow covered ground. This is evidence that life abounds.
We all crave being happy but we come to fear some aspect of it. We long for romance and intimacy but loathe the hassle and agony it brings. We want to look fit but don’t want to sweat. THE WORK PRODUCES THE RESULTS. The results are powerful and also power filled. So are you, we just need to tap it.
You can read the book and that will be great. You can also come to the online course that starts April 6th. STRENGTH TRAINING: TOTAL LIFE FITNESS a 12 week journey into becoming the very best version of who you are. Are you game?
Let me know with a simple Facebook comment of YES
How can you possibly say no? The deal will be exquisite. Stay tuned into the FB channel and we’ll tell you more each day.