The middle of the week — Wednesday

It is not what anyone ever talks about — Wednesday. Friday gets a whole lot of attention, there is even an acronym for the excitement it generates — TGIF — thank God its Friday! There is even a national restaurant chain named such. We go there to celebrate the end of the week and the

Fabulous ways to spend your time

I love adventure and love risk — calculated risk, that is. Growing up in Chicago, I am a lifelong lover of Lake Michigan and everything related the water. A walk on the beach or just sitting and looking at the water always calms me and give me an opportunity for a fresh perspective. Sailing has

Wrap your mind around it

The phrase is so descriptive — wrap your mind around it. We do indeed need to completely embrace something if we are to deal with it effectively. If we do not, it is impossible, like a fruit fly you are trying to swat, it just moves away swiftly. The mind and the heart must work

When stress invades your life

It is very difficult to function normally when you have an experience of overwhelming stress enter your world. The stress of a loved one being terminally ill, the actual loss of that loved one, caustic interactions with people in your life — the list is whatever you have that comes to mind that causes you

The keywords of my work

When you enter the Information Super Highway AKA the Internet, the Web, you need to learn the language. When I first came to the web more than 3 decades ago, it was a mysterious landscape that seemed like a sticky place here spiders would reside. Indeed it is and has evolved to stick to us

Inner strength and gossip

I’ve never suffered much from negative gossip of people. I recently however, as an adult, found out just how bullies are created — through their parents. Although I have written and taught the programs to clients for combating bullies, it somehow didn’t hit me in the face until these past few weeks. Stunning set of
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Tapping my own inner strength

Life is busy, no matter what you are doing. On my personal FB page, friends from high school are loving the photos one of our classmates is sharing from Bora Bora. Lovely place, truly gorgeous and relaxing….but busy anyhow….busy getting the money made to go there, busy making all the provisions to be there, busy

The best of life

Talking with one of my orchestra musicians this evening, we shared the story of a talented young musical genius here in St Louis who died suddenly yesterday. Andrew Thomas played the bassoon and contrabassoon for the St Louis Symphony Orchestra (SLSO). He was 27 years old. Known as Drew, he was said to be just
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Great music soothes the soul

It was a Brazilian Festival — the Brazilian Orchestra Guide by Composer Barbosa and Bachiana Brasilleras No 2 of Villa Lobos — both performed by the University City Symphony Orchestra here is St Louis, Missouri. Gorgeous. There is nothing quite as lovely as a Sunday afternoon in autumn, when the air is warm, the sun

The body responds to tension

When you investigate the literature about stress, you will read about how there is good and not so good stress but that life itself has stress, it is a natural. The changing environment, even if we love the seasons in the Midwestern region in the U.S., show clearly that those changes are still stressful and