6 Insights Gained From A Weekend With Laura: Laura Miravete, A True Inspiration (A guest blog post by Tara Rose Gladstone)
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
by drdeb
This past weekend, I met Laura Miravete, a woman who was born with muscular dystrophy. She is now 70 years old and has not only lived a full, self-sufficient life but has surpassed the level of achievement that seems possible for someone in her position. She keeps her home in spotless condition, has an impressive vegetable
- Published in accomplishments, Be the best YOU, Be Your Best Self, Being smart, Fulfillment, happiness, Improving your Lifestyle, love yourself, Partners In Excellence, Well-being, Wellness
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blessings, boredom, community, creaivity, cures, don't sweat the small stuff, happiness, hot to be happy, La Fresneda, Laura Miravete, mistakes, muscular dystrophy, Spain, success