What we come to know and believe

A friend asked me to join her at a concert in a small little venue this past weekend. Sure. I went. We had a nice dinner and then walked next door to hear a folk singer — Buddy Mondlock. Really? Yea, www.buddymondlock.com Handsome man, sweet voice. On stage with two guys he knows well, one
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People often talk about the problems with organized religion instead of placing the focus on their soul. This is a mistake. Any time there is conversation about what human beings are involved in, there is an opportunity for pathology to surface. Pathology is the maladjustment to this life, to this reality of what is accepted

Anxiety and awareness

What we know about anxiety is that it causes stress — it is an experience of the mind that makes the person hyper aware of their body and how uncomfortable it feels. The experience is awful. However, the experience is in the mind and it can interpreted in many ways — there are choices for
There are as many ways to land upon happiness as there are people on the planet. We each have our own unique perspective about what it means to us. Meaning shifts according to our mood, our state of mind, the way we are feeling physically. For a patient with pneumonia, being able to catch your

TGIF and successful stress relief

Always grateful for the work I have….. but….Its a quarter past 3:00 on a Friday afternoon.  The time for your mind to begin to wind down a bit for those of you who work a traditionally scheduled work week, is just about now……….and for those of us, self employed or entrepreneurs of some sort, I

Happiness and Success

It takes courage to execute your vision and it takes stamina alongside a belief in your vision in order to make something happen. When efforts meets with success, happiness enters the picture.


Google the word and there are 433,000,000 results for you to review. The opening one defines the concept for us as follows — thank you Google. suc·cess·ful /səkˈsesfəl/ Adjective Accomplishing an aim or purpose: “a successful attack on the town”. Having achieved popularity, profit, or distinction. Synonyms prosperous – lucky – fortunateThe questions is however
I did an informal poll of people I encountered last week, asking them —                                                  Do you expect success in your life? The results are as mixed as people’s beliefs. 65% told me that they do indeed expect success in everything they
Stress is a common feature in the lives of Americans. Stress is prompted in our daily lives through whatever our private, work, financial, and relationship scenarios are and surveys indicates that “…77% of Americans’ stress levels are causing them to experience a range of unpleasant physical symptoms. Stress can manifest itself in stomach upsets, headaches,
What does happiness mean to you? Do you have a vision of the elements of it for your life? For your personality? Do you really want to live a happier life? Guess what? There is a positive correlation between being happy and surrounding yourself with happy friends. Blogger Adam Hinterthuer shares the news from a