As I am asked about my work and what I do as a doctor of psychology, an author, a consultant, and a speaker, many things come to mind. However, they seem to all land on one point– relieving pain. We all have some form of pain. Perhaps you are feeling happy today. Great. But you can probably recall the pain you had in your body, mind, and heart yesterday, last week, or in the middle of the night a week ago.
It is part of the human condition. Our life is dedicated to finding the relief and we want to achieve that in healthy ways that contribute to our overall well-being. It gets complicated because we find ourselves trapped in situations, relationships, and mind games that are counterproductive.
What to do?
1. Think about the life that you honestly crave for yourself, envision it, feel it;
2. Embrace the experience of that life as though it is unfolding for you right this very moment;
3. List in your mind and onto paper the steps you need to take to allow this to actually happen;
4. Be smart, thoughtful, kind, faith-filled, and strategically map out how to achieve the life you want;
5. Take 3 steps every single day into the plan of action you have created to facilitate and ensure that your life heads into this direction of goodness, and don’t let go –live as though you didn’t have forever.
We have eternity for our souls, but this life here, now, is intended for our happiness and our goodness to have the full experience of who we were created to be. We are alive, vibrant, and filled with love, passion, light, and energy that is about well-being. Accept this.
You have inside of you a beauty filled being…my work is all about guiding people, myself included, to tap their best self. Build the Strength Within now. It is when you take the steps onto this path and sustain it that you will experience relief from pain–in your body, in your mind, and in your heart. Let it happen.