Did you try any of the suggestions that I gave you last week? There were 5. If you did, you have GOT to let me know how it made a difference for you, the suspense is driving me nuts! : )
I wrote them and I still managed to come up with a way to do each one and to do them a bit differently this past week.
For the suggestion about brightening up the house, I placed red grapes into a big bowl and laid a strand of Christmas pearls onto them and a few lemons tucked in — very pretty! They are on the island in the kitchen. And I then set 3 orange candles around them….smells great, looks cheery, and is very soothing when lit. I also bought fresh flowers — I do this year around and find it very healthful!
For today, I have 3 suggestions for your week:
1. fill a water bottle with tap water and add food dye, pick your favorite color, to it. Shake well. Step outside into the snow and using the narrow squirt top, become your inner artist — write your name, draw a snowman, whatever inspires you — but nothing crabby;
2. go to Amazon and in the search bar, enter — Cashmere Caps and Mittens. You will love the affordable price and the rush delivery. Wearing cashmere makes a lovely difference for all of us, guaranteed;
3. the movie of the day for me is Steve Martin’s, The Jerk. Funny, stupid, ridiculous. The second movie will be Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, also Steve Martin but joined by John Candy. And what could be better than to cut loose with reality when you are feeling like the glum chum of winter?
Do every bit of this. You won’t regret a single step.
I’ve got a big pot of home made roasted chicken veggie soup on the stove, homemade noodles will be the base when I fix myself and friends a bowl later on this evening. It’s all good, its all fun, it is about being light and lively when the heaviness of the season brings you down.
Peace out………as you remember that your inner strength is within you and your mind is what controls everything.