My work and my personal life are about as entwined as possible – by design. I aim to live the life I write about, talk about, and profess. I find myself needing to make adjustments all the time because I am motivated, highly motivated, to keep on reaching to become the person who is the ideal me.
Sound familiar?
It seems to me that we all make those infamous New Year’s resolutions because we would like to better than the current version of our self.
The problem is that few people give themselves the mental and emotional space to contemplate who they truly are and what it is that needs improvement, change, or enhancement – call it whatever you want but you know what I mean. The real truth is that the greatest percentage of who you are is good.
Do you believe that?
I invite you to start taking a good and very honest look at who you are, what you have done in your life, who you have loved, and who it is who loves you. Don’t allow yourself to head to the negative side of any of the stories you run through your mind with that list – just put it in terms of who it is, and what you have been able to accomplish. Give yourself credit for everything that you would normally take for granted. I suggest this because if you are living in the U.S., you’ve gotten through a decade or two or more of education, made friends in each grade, have had some sort of family, experienced positions of employment, and have been healthy enough to pull all of that off. That’s worth something!
There are millions of people on the planet who never know the advantages that we have here as Americans. I suggest that we all take a deep breath and sincerely appreciate who we each are, what we have each done, and look ahead to what it is that we can each do to make our life better and make life better for those around us – near and then far.
Love your self……believe in who it is that you are more than you do today and tomorrow will be brighter. Reach for the better you alongside me…it is guaranteed to be a great journey – lifelong.