I did an informal poll of people I encountered last week, asking them —
Do you expect success in your life?
The results are as mixed as people’s beliefs.
65% told me that they do indeed expect success in everything they do and they push for it;
10% laughed a bit and stated that they believe in their abilities but stuff in life blocks their achievement;
10% looked at me sadly and said that it depends upon what I mean by success but they think they have a good family;
10% replied that success is an illusion and there is no way to measure it or hold onto it;
5% said that they knew their life would not be what they had thought it would, they have no fantasy of betterment.
No one volunteered in conversation that they had role models for their success or that they were actively engaged at any point in time in following others who are highly successful.
I believe in role modeling. I have sought out the best I can find to learn what I want to know. It all began with my parents and then them advising me to follow good people and emulate what they do. We have so many great role models around the globe for just about anything we want to know how to accomplish — including success!
Tony Robbins Richard Branson Martha Stewart Maxine Clark Wayne Dyer
Shel Silverstein Julia Child Michael Gelb Dalai Lama Bill Moyers
Katie Couric David Letterman Shep Hyken Tom Peters Juanita Deterding
Some of these are names you know and others are in my private collection of friends. We all have role models — pick them, let them be humans with all their faults, let them quietly and overtly inspire you, practice the things they do that bring them success that they have reached for.
Then, ask yourself — What are my expectations for success? How do I define it? What is my plan of action to achieve what I crave?
Join us on Monday at 1:30 PM CST
for the Expectations of Success TeleSeminar 877 598 8653 30 minutes of nonstop information, tips, ideas.