It is very difficult to function normally when you have an experience of overwhelming stress enter your world. The stress of a loved one being terminally ill, the actual loss of that loved one, caustic interactions with people in your life — the list is whatever you have that comes to mind that causes you angst and extreme discomfort. Discomfort is that awful distraction in your mind and that sickening feeling of queezy in your gut.
What can you do? How can you possibly survive this? You wonder if you will ever again be back to something known as normal.
The truth is that it is up to you — you need to grab your innermost core and believe that you are strong — no matter what! Whether it is a great tragedy or a horrific event against you, you must decide that you are a survivor and you can weather any storm. This is vital.
In addition to doing things like breathing calmly, meditating, using my relaxation audio and videos here on the web site, Blueprint your life and your plan of action. It helps.
I use these templates to think through my strategies for whatever it is that I am needing to think through because it provides a visual that guides my mind and triggers my best cognitive abilities away from the emotions of my stress. Simply open the template, print it off. Sit and ask yourself which are you are drawn to. Follow these steps:
1. make a circle around the area you are most drawn to;
2. place a check mark into the area where stress is most impacting you;
3. write 3 things in each area that are troublesome;
4. write 3 things in each area that are intuitive solutions;
5. pause, study, believe, take action.
Try it. Let me know if it works for you.