The issue of trust haunts every human on the planet. It is a part of our being that leads naturally into a zone of wondering if we are actually okay. Did I do it right? Do they like me?
We all suffer.
The topic of trust is far more emotional, more about the heart and feelings than it can ever be about the mind and our intellect. We can think our way through anything but OH when it comes to feelings, we can get balled up and feel so inadequate. It hurts like nothing else.
We each know the feeling of wondering if a romantic interest returns our feelings. We get a blush on our face, a knot in our gut, a crazy grin with any degree of encouragement. Embarrassing. This all happens because we feel so awkward not knowing if we can trust our gut, invest in what we know about our intuitive sense. We question, we doubt.
Although it can be fun to play the game, it is also dangerous because we lose our footing, we suffer. The problem extends across out entire being and we begin to fumble in every aspect of our life. Even if it is only slightly, a fumble is a drop of some sort and we ought to not be willing to risk losing in any realm where we can succeed.
What is it that makes us withhold our feelings, our intentions, our desires? Wouldn’t life be richer, more exquisitely passionate if we shared openly that we love and we love deeply? Are we destined to move through the day aloof?
I spend my day so busy with my work and my passion for every bit of it that I often wonder if I have time for a romantic life. Some lovely man will have to love the idea of fitting in somewhere. Do each of us wonder where that love affair fits in? Do we extend that lack of trust to our friendships as well and wonder where it is that they fit? Do they fit?
Maybe the most genuine approach comes when we exercise our muscles and allow ourselves to ache a bit as we stretch and work to develop trust–in our senses, in our heart, in our ability to connect with whoever we love.
If we allow it, if we trust, things will move more swiftly. When there is trust, we don’t waste so much time on angst, there is a clearing for the connect, the beauty of the realization of good.