What is it, that thing referred to as excellence? Is it when you simply do your best, regardless of the outcome? Is it an unreachable completely out of the realm goal that we cannot ever achieve?
How you answer these questions is revealing. Our mind never lies, the first instinctive thought that runs through our thoughts is the one that tells how we really feel, what our attitude truly is – about any given thing, any topic at all.
Excellence is all about the outcome, it is the talent that surpasses the ordinary and it happens daily all over the planet. People do great things, save lives, make discoveries that impact many, and touch something very needed.
The TED talks, as described on one of their web sites, “…started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader.” They are typically 18 minutes or less. The speakers are carefully chosen and mentored to shape their message for maximum impact. They reach for excellence and their chosen because they have touched some point of excellence.
I have many favorites but here is one of my top 5. Watch, listen, feel, think, and then reach……it is all within your grasp – today.