A friend asked me to join her at a concert in a small little venue this past weekend. Sure. I went. We had a nice dinner and then walked next door to hear a folk singer — Buddy Mondlock.
Yea, www.buddymondlock.com
Handsome man, sweet voice. On stage with two guys he knows well, one since he was 10 years old. What’s not cool about that?
He sang about love and life and heartache and joked a little about it all. I listened and then I cried. My heart was moved by the words and voices of men who sang about their faith — in love, in women, in people, in this life experience. It stirred memories for me but it also gave me the assurance once again that we all share the same bond of love and lose and win again……..
Tune into your heart…….the music of your soul, the gentility of your mind and the experiences you have, it will deepen your faith and belief in the human experience and the joy of this journey we are all on…..
Thank you Buddy……………xoxoxoxoxo