There comes a moment in time when you realize that you have created a beautiful existance for yourself and it is time to enjoy it all but something lands on your path and everything changes. Illness of your own self or a loved one, a death, a career shift, stock market catastrophe, friends who disappoint, or a mate who drifts somehow and it leaves you feeling bereft.
What do you do to take care of yourself and resume the life you know you have put into place?
The most essential steps include being accepting of your emotional response and allowing grief and adaptation but then turning things swiftly with high energy action steps. The disappointment and fears in this life can take hold in a severe way and pull you down, that’s dangerous. So what are the action steps?
In this stillness of sitting, our mind wanders and our gut tells us what feels right and what feels very wrong. This is the place to begin, it is important to recognize what your intuitive sense already knows. The specific pathway for you reveals itself, this know might sound weird but in the depth of your mind and your heart, you know how accurate this is.
The second step then is to utilize a practice also known to be highly effective–the actual hand writing exercise wherein you state what you want as your goals and you write them as though they are in place in the present moment. List them, don’t list more than 5 or 7, you need to be able to wrap your mind around them and believe in the realization of them.
Third, you walk into them every single day, all day long. You practice that which you wrote.
Fourth, we each need the positivity of ongoing statments and music that will change our state of mind and our physiological state alongside of it. Try these, one is very brief and the other takes you on a more full immersion way.
The short version:
The longer version: