Oh my gosh. I had felt the desire to develop The Relationship Mastery Series because I have had so many people coming to me for private counsel about their despair within their intimate and family relations. I couldn’t keep pace with the request for my time doing house calls and office visits. Events that are both live and online can be so powerful. Let’s go!
I wrote it, choreographed it, got the team here to design it and ready our websites for the launch and sale. Gorgeous materials and content.
Suddenly, however, something shifted in my head and I found myself very self conscious about the fact that I am single. I’m no longer married, not engaged, not enthralled. Oh my. What right do I have to stand in front of people anywhere as though I have something to impart?!
I began asking for input from clients and people on my team and people in my life overall.
What I learned is that I am indeed just like every person I offer guidance to. I have a set of talents and skills, I am intuitive and experienced. In addition, I have a long list of people I have actually helped into a better position given what it is that I do as a professional. Okay.
I recall the book by Pauline Rose Clance, The Imposter Phenomenon: Overcoming the Fear That Haunts Your Success. I was in graduate school and I thought — BUSTED! I’m not actually all THAT smart, clever, creative, insightful…..and the list went on. Of course — because it was a time of high anxiety and I don’t just mean the movie featuring Mel Brooks– I felt myself moving into a new realm of awesome with knowledge and training and wondered if I could genuinely deliver what people needed in order to recover from the whatever.
If you ever wonder about your value, you might just not get to realize how deep it runs. It was in the face of my angst about this relationship series that I came to see so clearly how much people value what I do in my connections to them that made an enormous impact and inspired me to very humbly see my skill set and the tangible result I have created. I actually laid back and allowed myself to do a Deb Carlin version of the movie with Jimmy Stewart, It’s A Wonderful Life. Indeed. And I invite you to do the same…you will see your imprint, your touch, your knowledge, your impact, your special brand of fairy dust.
My bet is that you are not a fraud. You’ll find out for yourself.
Life as an authentic is marvelous…give yourself the chance to see it and know it and live it. Build the Strength Within; you will have the capacity for anything and everything.