This is a time frame within which I am examining, yet again, my life and balance and work and value. This is good healthy exercise but that doesn’t mean its fun or particularly easy. It is however, full of rewards. As I look at my own life, I find many reasons to be critical. When I look at the lives of others, I find many reasons to extend compassion.
Look at what is happening right now here in America — the strife, the embarrassment of a government that has shut down. The jokes about our Congress break my heart because they are not funny, they are accurate. People from each strata of our society are paying a price for people who cannot get along with one another because of political party affiliations. Shameful. I find myself rich in compassion for our politicians and for the people suffering at their hands — why? How in the world can these people, our leaders, come to compromise when they are stuck in the rut of holding a grip of stubborn and being ego driven? Its a tough place and it is very challenging to make a healthy move, there is lot at stake. I do not want to be in their shoes. I don’t want to be in their victim’s shoes either.
Our lives are a one shot opportunity. We here to do something wonder filled and meaningful with them. Why waste time — lamenting, arguing, bullying, dramatizing, and being unhealthy? I don’t believe our congressional leaders are feeling particularly healthy or happy or balanced, do you?
Those folks in our nation’s capital are a long way off.Here in the Midwest, there are many other stories about being out of whack.
My financial assistant is 57 years old. Her husband battled pancreatic cancer since January. He died on Sunday evening. Her life has been out of whack for a long time and although she will grieve his loss, she will find a way to tap her inner strength and regain strong footing and be whole in a new way — a life enriching way. And I will help. If only the nation were so easy to fix — the difference is about trust, trusting relationships, and humility….she has it and they do not.
Take a breath, I say each morning and all through the day, breathe in and remember you can do a good job today with whatever you take on and you can make the choice to live in balance and harmony. Do it.