Conflict Management

The basic premise is that disputes can usually be prevented, nearly always be positively resolved, and can always benefit from a strategic intervention. Conflict resolution is a process used as an alternative to litigation. With the guidance of trained professionals, you and your organization can recover from the stress caused by conflict. Intuitively, we all know what effect disputes have on us, our attitudes, productivity, and health. At Partners In Excellence LLC, our goal is to build cooperative relationships that improve productivity and moral and lead to success.

Stress is, in the basic form, a stretch of resources. Extreme stress can cause physical objects to burst. Humans are not much different in their reaction to stress, unless they have a healthy stress management system incorporated into their behavioral repertoire. None of this is possible unless you have the backdrop of inner strength.

Each one of us has the experience across the entirety of our life, of hearing our own inner voice. That voice is our inner wisdom, our conscience, and it guides us, always telling us the most true path to take. That voice is our inner strength that will show us the way, but only if we allow it. We diminish our own inner strength when we disavow the knowledge that is ours, when we refuse to believe we are strong not weak, and when we assume the position of learned helplessness, allowing a victim mentality to take a prominent role in our life.

Life is a series of events that can be interpreted in an endless array of ways – negative,positive and everything in between. The hardy personality weathers events in stride, manages stress successfully, and is highly adaptable because they tap into an inner strength that no one can compromise. You have this capacity, we can help you cultivate it. Conflict will become much less of a threat because you will have a much deeper level of trust in your motivations and your perceptions. You will not need to feel overt defeat when you experience your true ability to prevail. Conflict is often what defeats an individual, makes them retreat form the life they crave, and embitters their heart. Our brand of conflict management is a lifestyle, a belief system, an attitude, a set of reliable tools based on the Build The Strength Within program – that you’ll use every day in your business and personal life.

For more information on our conflict management training contact Partners In Excellence LLC.