I remember what was happening in my life 4 years ago. Maybe you are in finding yourself in the midst of something right now that is similar – it is something that is deeply emotional because it means a lot and it feels bigger than you and bigger than anything you have ever had to face before.
It doesn’t matter what the particulars are, they cause you to ache, cry, feel sick and frightened. What do you do? How do you cope? How do you manage to get through this?
There is only one answer that is genuine. That will sustain you for the remainder of your life. You must know you have internal fortitude and that it is something you can trust. You must know for certain you are a survivor and you can manage to outlive whatever pain you are experiencing because you have to – you value life and somewhere deep inside, you crave a life you have dreamed of; one that is good, better than this moment, and filled with happiness like you have never known.
Tap into your most internal voice. The one that is positive and is waiting for you to turn up the volume and drown out the negative chatter, Do it!
Build the strength that resides within you. You owe it to yourself.
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